It all started with a car crash.
Hello, my name is Noah Weaver. In May, 2022 I had a nearly fatal car crash. The crash resulted in a TBI (traumatic brain injury) and I spent 4 days in the ICU at Research Medical in KCMO. and when I got out I was unable to walk by myself and could barely talk. Instead of letting it bring my life to a stop, I used my traumatic experience as a springboard to launch myself into a new chapter. I saw in that moment that life was too fragile to waste anymore time. I had been doing the classic tongue twisters for speech therapy at Madonna Rehabilitation Hospitals and decided to try my hand at writing some new ones. I wrote well over 100 within a month of getting out of the hospital, originally I was going to make a book out of them, who knows, I still might do that some day. I wrote them mostly in July of 2022 and in September I had the idea to make a game instead. Word Whizzes was born, I envision this game helping people increase the confidence they have in their voice as well as their vocabulary. It all started with a nearly deadly car crash, but it doesn’t matter how it started, it matters where it’s going.
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